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Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by low thyroid hormone production by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism can affect people all over the world of any age/race/sex. It's common in India and its prevalence is around 10%. However, the value may be even higher because many cases are undiagnosed. Hypothyroidism can develop at any age. Thyroid hormones affect growth, development & many cellular processes in the body. They control the body’s temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism.

Symptoms usually appear slowly over several years. However, some people may develop symptoms over a few months, depending on thyroid hormone levels in the blood.

Fatigue, dry skin, feeling cold

Hair loss, loss of appetite, weight gain

Memory problems, Irritability, depression

Muscle cramps, joint aches, parethesias

Constipation, menstrual irregularities

Swelling infront of neck (goitre)

Growth delay (in children)

If diagnosis and treatment for thyroid is delayed symptoms may worsen and may lead to hoarseness of voice, hearing loss, slowing of heart rate, and decrease in blood pressure. There may be also a rise in cholesterol levels, heart failure, and a severe form of hypothyroidism-myxedema is rare, it can be caused by infection(illness) exposure to extreme cold, or certain medications, in untreated hypothyroidism.

Hashimoto's (Autoimmune)

Iodine deficiency(genetic & environmental factors)

Thyroidectomy (radiation therapy)

Medications (ex: lithium , amiodarone, cancer drugs)

Central ( secondary Hypothyroidism is due to disorder of pituitary hypothalamus


As the symptoms are variable, the only way to know is through blood tests at the best hospital for thyroid. Diagnosis is easily done by general medicine doctors with measurement of blood levels of thyroid hormones. Risks of hypothyroidism increase during pregnancy, after delivery, and around menopause. Hence screening for hypothyroidism at thyroid hospitals is especially important in pregnant women. Without prompt diagnosis and the best thyroid treatment, it can adversely affect maternal and fetal outcomes.

It can be treated at general medicine hospitals by taking a tablet containing the thyroid hormone once a day. Once the hormone has been replaced, the symptoms usually disappear. Based on thyroid hormone levels and symptoms, the dose can be adjusted after 2 -3 months during follow-up by the best general medicine doctor. If these levels are kept within normal range over the long term, they may need to be checked just once a year. Dose adjustment is also a must in pregnancy.